Download Rilheva Modbus Poll for Windows O.S.
It’s FREE! Powered by Rilheva IIoT Platform

Save and load your configurations
Select connection type
Choose whether the register value can be edited or not
Modbus address
Value modifiers
Test your Modbus devices for free!
Modbus testing made easy
Need to test a Modbus device? Do you want a free tool that is easy to use, fully configurable and provides reliable data?
Rilheva Modbus Poll by Rilheva IIoT Platform
Rilheva Modbus Poll (Desktop Edition) is the tool you need. Add your devices registers and fetch values from your devices. Rilheva Modbus Poll Desktop Edition supports Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU on ethernet or serial connection
Rilheva Modbus Poll Web Edition
Test you modbus devices from the web
If you device is reachable from the web, try the Rilheva Modbus Poll Web Edition. It supports ModbusTCP and allow quick testing your device without need for any download
Rilheva by Xeo4, working with Modbus since 2004
If you need an intro to modbus here are the specs: