Test your Modbus devices for free!
Modbus testing made easy
Need to test a device you know it is connected online? Do you want a free tool that is easy to use, fully configurable and provides reliable data?
Rilheva Modbus Poll by Rilheva IIoT Platform
Rilheva Modbus Poll (Web Edition) is the tool you need. Add your devices registers and fetch values from your devices
Rilheva by Xeo4, working with Modbus since 2004
If you need an intro to modbus here are the specs:
Rilheva Modbus Poll Desktop Edition
Need more power?
If your modbus device is not reachable online and you have enough of costly licenses, try our Rilheva Modbus Poll Desktop Edition. It is FREE!
Upgrading is easy
Rilheva Modbus Poll Desktop Edition is a free software for Windows O.S. that allows you to test all ModbusTCP compliant devices located anywhere: online, in your LAN or just plugged to your PC
Powered by Rilheva
Rilheva Modbus Poll Desktop Edition supports Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU and it is powered by Rilheva IIoT Platform