Case History – HIDROGEST
Made in Rilheva – A real Internet of Things story

Made in Rilheva – A real Internet of Things story
Hidrogest S.p.A. is a provider of integrated water cycle services as well as the owner of the whole water supply network (pipe networks, water purification, pumping stations, water storage, drainage basin, …) in the Bergamo area (40 km northeast of Milan, Italy).
Following the aggregation with other players in the last 5 years, Hidrogest S.p.A. has doubled the served community and, as a consequence, the number of facilities to manage. Since a proportional increase in the number of employees was not sustainable, it became necessary to re-organize the operational activities, improving service efficiency while keeping costs under control always maintaining the highest possible level of service.
Hidrogest believed that using a centralized solution to remote control and monitor 100% of its facilities was the key driver for the implementation of this strategy, but some important issues had to be solved. First, the heterogeneity of the facilities to manage made impossible to use any remote control tool previously installed or available on the market. Secondly no IT skilled personnel was available at that time within the company, thus making it impossible to devote resources in programming a solution.
Therefore it was necessary to find on the market a product with the following features:
Hidrogest S.p.A. identified Rilheva solution as the answer all those requirements.
Because Rilheva is provided as a service, this means that to get all this results Hidrogest spa did not buy any hardware (no IT maintenance issues and costs), nor software (no software management issues): all features as well as the service high-availability are included in a monthly fee.