Made in Rilheva – A real Internet of Things story

Made in Rilheva – A real Internet of Things story
Rome branch – with approximately 585 employees – is the world’s largest commercial branch within the Mercedes-Benz group (Cars) outside Germany and the first Smart Center in terms of sales and service volumes.
The Roma Nord office is located in Via Salaria, just near the Tiber river. Combining IoT technologies of Seneca and Rilheva, together with the integration of Cogeco system, purification plant and pumping system are efficiently managed.
Hardware devices are provided by Seneca, the IIoT platform by Rilheva and FTTC optic fiber connectivity by Autostar Immobiliare.
This winning combination led to a Cloud remote supervision and control system, by using the state of the art technology. Measurement, MQTT realtime communication, data collection, alarms, analysis, commands and much more. All via WEB or APP.
Local data collection, control and visualization hardware is provided by Seneca. The core device is the Z-GPRS3 unit. As all the other SENECA smart dataloggers, Z-GPRS3 meets the increasing needs of data collection, real-time analysis and IT systems integration. It’s available with embedded UPS and integrated I/O channels, dedicated programming and visualization software, serial and Ethernet communication, GPRS modem and Cloud solutions integration. Particularly worthy of attention is the communication system towards the IIoT platform. Specifically, the MQTT protocol was applied in native mode on both Z-GPRS3 and Rilheva. This protocol, developed for the IIoT world, grants total secure transmission and high data compression, thus optimizing communication between field and Cloud.
Based on simplicity and effectiveness, this system always makes you aware of the actual plant status, allowing – in addition – to act remotely, as if the operator were on site.
This is a huge benefit, considering the location near the Tiber river and due to the devastating flash flood we are unfortunately getting used to. The system grants that – in automatic or manual mode – the dangerous flooding of the structure can always be avoided.
Total control and top safety: mission accomplished!