Idroclean – Case History
Made in Rilheva – A real Internet of Things story

Made in Rilheva – A real Internet of Things story
Idroclean S.r.l., based in Casirate d’Adda (Bg), for over 30 years has been a highly specialized company in the treatment, recovery and disposal of dangerous and non-hazardous special waste.
The 14,000 sqm factory boasts a multipurpose platform, has a set of unique plants and is structured on different treatment lines for both liquid and solid waste.
It is specialized in concentrated wastewater treatment for both inorganic and organic pollutants with high COD levels.
In addition to receiving and treating waste at its own treatment center, Idroclean offers a significant waste intermediation activity from all industrial sectors, due to a strong commercial network developed over the years and consolidated by joining the Itelyum Group.
For years Idroclean has been using Endress Hauser equipment, and it is precisely through this company that they experienced Rilheva remote control services. Rilheva platform has been exploited initially just for remote data visualization and later as the remote control system for plant anomalies and process optimization management.
Monitoring every single plant is essential to ensure the correct management of the industrial wastewater treatment process. The main goal is to grant optimal conditions for the entire liquid management process. Parameters such as the dissolved oxygen concentration in the thermophilic oxidation tank, pH values, levels of the tanks and wastewater storage, temperatures, flow rates and various others are constantly monitored. Different types of alarms have also been added to each machine, which promptly send notifications in case of anomalies.
For each process, in addition to instant monitoring, it is possible to compare data from different periods to understand any difference in performance and long-term trends.
Data communication is bidirectional: this function enables a promptly remote action, even with a smartphone, to modify any plant configuration parameters.
By using Rilheva, Idroclean fulfills the obligation to share data with the local company that deals with purification, thanks to the advanced profiling that enables to define specific access for users, in this case read-only and just the necessary parameters.
The awareness of 24/7 monitored processes allows us to increasingly optimize their management.
Functions such as statistical KPI computing, comparative charts of different periods and reporting ensure instant analysis to be carried out directly within the platform.
The enterprise-wide implementation of Rilheva Platform was simple.