100% matching through MQTT protocol

Can Siemens S7 PLC become an IoT gateway?
Have you always dreamed of transforming your S71200/1500 PLC into an RTU or an edge gateway for the IoT?
Then there is good news for you!

Siemens S7 & MQTT
The Siemens S7 1200/1500 PLC can natively communicate with any Cloud through the MQTT protocol
Siemens recently released the LMQTT_Client 2.2 FB (Function Block) for its S7 1200 and 1500 series PLCs.
LMQTT_Client function block embeds MQTT Client service in a reading and writing bidirectional way, so with both publisher and subscriber job.
Secure and encrypted communication is granted by TLS function.

Good, but not enough
The library only manages the connection with the broker. All the implementation of data management (source, structure, parsing) is missing. Stuff for geeks. And a lot of headache.
Don’t worry, the good news is not over yet
Our 3A Telecontrolli partners have developed an FB to manage the payload logic and structure.
Designed to be scalable and easy to use, written in LAD or SCL, tested and stressed. It is now available to be used and it’s time to squeeze the most out of it
The Var-to-Rilheva FB is all you need to complete an MQTT project on your S7.
Rilheva+Siemens solution benefits
This simple setup has multiple benefits such as:
- Avoid purchasing gateway to send data in Cloud
- MQTT setup can be managed remotely by PLC access
- Simple and quick: in 5 minutes data are managed on Rilheva
- Template available on Rilheva IIoT Platform grants setup in just a few clicks
- It can be used on each existing plant (revamping), thus enabling to access new business with no investment or new hardware installation
If you want more or arrange a PoC, please give us a call or drop down an email
SIEMENS S7 + RILHEVA = the turnkey Cloud remote management solution